Hotel Mozart Imprint
Company: | Hotel Mozart Gesellschaft mbH |
Label: | Hotel Mozart |
Manager: | Isabella und Florian Krenn |
Adress: | 5640 Bad Gastein, Kaiser Franz Josef-Straße 25, Österreich |
Telephone and Fax: | +43-6434-2686-0 | +43-6434-2686-62 |
Email and Internet: | | |
Commercial register number: | HRB 2897 |
Commercial register court: | Landesgericht Salzburg |
Government agency: | Bezirkshauptmannschaft St. Johann im Pongau |
UID (Tax number): | ATU 352 31 003 |
Bank account: | |
© Webdesign: | ![]() |
@ Photos: | Familie Krenn Watzinger, GTG Gastein, Ing. Gerhard Michel |
Packagesystem: | |
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